Friday, November 20, 2009

North Korea (english edition)

Propaganda media that consists of the most democratic in the People's Republic of North Korea (DPKR), was established on 10 September 1948. Korea in the Communist Workers' Party (KWP) was prepared two years earlier. Since the Korean peninsula is divided at the thirty-eighth parallel after World War II, the communist-controlled northern half has been using the press to achieve political control and domination over the people around 21 million people, mainly farmers. North Korea has also manipulated the media to portray some of the press pictures from North Korea to its allies and foes. Circulation statistics and facts about the North Korean media is not available because the government keep tight hold on the statistics. DPKR media which is used primarily for indoctrination by the government.

Choson Chungyang Tongsinsa, state-operated Korean Central News Agency (KCNA,, collect and distribute officially sanctioned and made the information in both Korean and English. Founded on December 5, 1946, in P'yongyang, the KCNA print Chungyang T'ongsin daily Choson (Korea Central News), Sajin T'ongsin (Photographic News), Chungyang Yonbo and Choson (Korean Central Yearbook), carefully spread the worded appointed to the news media bureau. The DPKR Party's Central Committee published the rhetoric in the official newspaper, Nodong Sinmun (Labor Daily), which has a circulation estimated at about two million readers. Kulloja (The Union) Central Committee also distributes theory.

Is the official government newspaper Minju Choson (Democratic Korea). Other periodic newsletters to specific groups such as working railway workers, military personnel, and teachers. The Foreign Languages Press Group issues the monthly magazine Korea Today and the weekly newspaper P'yongyang Times ( in English, French, and Spanish.

North Korean communist government to use the media to reach the contrasting domestic and international agenda. When he became prime minister in 1948, Kim Il-sung is the power to influence and press North Korea to confuse and alarm South Korea and Western allies. Kim Il-sung DPKR insist that the government is only valid and emphasize the Juche Korea, the philosophy of self-reliance. Sometimes he spoke to journalists and journalism education to emphasize the purpose of supporting DPKR. Kim Il-sung establish dictatorship by the personality cult that encourage North Korea to honor him and his family as a mythical super-human.

Kim Il-sung's son Kim Jong-il received the same public adulation when he succeeded his father, who died in 1994. North Korea insists that the press Kim Jong-il's succession has been unanimously supported; foreign media questioned this account and suggested that competition has been unsuccessfully countered Kim Jong-il because he does not assume power until 1997. Controlled by the government of North Korean media to create a biography of Kim Jong-il insisted that he was ruled to North Korea because of natural phenomena, including two rainbow, there have been at the time of birth. In August 2001, Russia KCNA described as awestruck by Kim Jong-il visits. Media said that the rain stopped and shone Sunday wherever Kim Jong-il and the way that Russia revered for his power to control nature.

Article 53 of the Constitution grants citizens DPKR North Korea freedom of the press and speak, but only to protect the rights of expression if the media that support the government and the KWP. Censorship has been implemented as a basic public media. All print and broadcast media to emphasize the need for North Korea to accept a collective lifestyle for both the state and to reject individualism. Membership in the Korean Journalists Union is compulsory for journalists.

Foreign print and broadcast media are forbidden to North Korea that the average risk of punishment, such as forced labor if they try to listen to or read any media not DPKR. Only party officials who are allowed to access external sources of news. Disappointed that foreign journalists from entering North Korea uninvited.

North Korea consistently denied the news report that there is hunger, chronic condition in North Korea despite evidence that mass starvation and crop failure has occurred. About statistics, such as natural disasters such as floods is not provided or incorrect reporting. Foreign press often get facts from defectors.

When U.S. President George W. Bush described North Korea as "evil" country that posed the threat of terrorism at the beginning of the year 2002, DPKR media ranging from daily attacks on the credibility of Bush and United States denounced as trying to provoke another Korean War.
Broadcast Media

KCNA problem with the broadcast in Korean, English, French, Spanish, and Russian. Estimated 400,000 radio and television reports almost five million are in North Korea. Radio and television are set to receive only government broadcasts that have been approved by the DPRK Radio and Television Broadcasting Committee. The Korean Central Television Station in P'yongyang and Ch'ngjin, Kaesng, Hamhng, Haeju, and broadcast Siniju air. AM station in P'yongyang Broadcasting Station (Radio P'yongyang) and Joson Jung-ang Pangsong (Korean Central Broadcasting Station) and P'yongyang FM Pangsong (Broadcasting Station) is the main media DPKR domestic radio. Small local stations air programming to each community. Most of the problems that have international broadcast station.

North Korea also broadcasts in the demilitarized zone (DMZ). DMZ is a frequent topic in the media DKPR because of illness in international relations. DKPR press and other media sources of conflict are often issued a report on the encouragement of conflict in this region.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Mossad Nov 14, '09 6:55 PM

Sejarah singkat

Haganah merupakan organisasi rahasia Yahudi pertama yang bertugas untuk membunuh orang-orang penting Palestina pada era 30an.Haganah adalah organisasi para-militer Yahudi di kawasan Palestina.Haganah merupakan cikal bakal dari IDF (Israeli Defense Force) modern.Pada awalnya Haganah didukung oleh pemerintah Inggris yang menguasai Palestina pada waktu itu dengan syarat membantu pasukan sekutu melawan pasukan Nazi-Jerman di bawah pimpinan The Dessert Fox Edwin Von Rommel.Namun setelah Jerman berhasil diusir dari Afrika,Haganah mulai dilupakan.

Secara tidak resmi Pemerintah Inggris menjalin kerja sama dengan Haganah dalam memerangi pemberontak Arab.Sayap kanan Haganah,yang dikenal dengan sebutan Irgun tidak menyukai pengekangan yang dilakukan Inggris.Secara diam-diam Irgun melakukan operasi rahasia melawan Inggris.

Inggris akhirnya memberlakukan blokade dengan melarang migrasi warga Yahudi menuju Palestina.Semenjak saat itu Haganah memainkan peran intelejen dengan menyelundupkan warga Yahudi ke palestina.Setelah Israel secara resmi mendeklarasikan kemerdekaannya,Haganah diganti dengan IDF.Pengalaman berperang Haganah kelak akan berguna bagi Israel selain itu diperlukan kekuatan intelejen guna mendukung operas-operasi militer.Akhirnya Mossad pun berdiri…..

Secara resmi Mossad berdiri pada tanggal 13 Desember 1949 menyusul deklarasi Negara Israel yang didukung oleh AS dan Dunia Barat.Mossad dibentuk sebagai “Institusi Pusat Koordinasi” atas rekomendasi Reuven Shiloah,sebagai penasehat menteri luar negeri.Reuven berpendapat bahwa harus ada lembaga pusat yang menaungi dinas-dinas intelejen yang sudah ada.

Dinas intelejen Israel yang pertama bernama “Shai” dan didirikan pada tahun 1942.Shai terlibat dalam banyak pembunuhan sebelum negara Israel berdiri.Setelah negara Israel berdiri,jaringan intelejennya dibagi menjadi 3 yaitu : Mossad,Shin Bet (dinas intelejen dalam negeri),dan Aman (intelejen umum).

Perdana Menteri Israel, David Ben Gurion semenjak awal berkata tujuan berdirinya Mossad adalah untuk negara kita yang sejak awal berdiri telah berada dalam ancaman musuh-musuhnya.Mossad merupakan kunci dari kemenangan Israel atas lawan-lawannya.Berbagai kemenangan Israel di medan pertempuran,bukan merupakan kebetulan semata atau merupakan mitos bahwa bangsa Yahudi merupakan ras yang tidak bisa dikalahkan.Kemenangan Israel disebabkan oleh kecanggihan intelejen mereka sehingga dapat mengetahui segala hal tentang musuh.

Sun Tzu pernah berkata jika Anda mengenal musuh dan diri sendir,Anda tidak perlu takut sekali pun menghadapi seratus pertempuran.Jika Anda mengenal diri sendiri tapi tidak mengenal musuh maka untuk setiap kemenangan yang diperoleh Anda juga akan menderita satu kekalahan.Jika Anda tidak mengenal musuh mau pun diri sendiri maka Anda akan kalah dalam setiap peperangan